

All Access makes my job easier because lesson plans and lesson practice is right at my fingertips! I love how I can go to All Access and find just about anything I may need to help my students succeed. Thank you for creating such a helpful tool! -Jill H.

I love having All Access available to me! If we are teaching a unit on double digit addition and I want some additional worksheets or practice for small groups - I just look it up on LLL and print it. It's so wonderful and helpful! This is money well spent! Thank you so much! -Teryl S.

It's amazing and my math scores have improved so much. I also love how you put series in abc order. Thanks for always [doing] an amazing job. -Jessica O.

17,000+ members are downloading πŸ”½

  • Lesson plans
  • Anchor charts
  • Printables
  • Centers
  • Small Group Intervention
  • Reading Passages
  • Decodables
  • Sound Walls
  • A FULL 2nd Grade Math Curriculum
  • Seasonal Activities
  • Classroom Transformations
  • Decor
  • ...and SO much more!

14,000+ members are downloading πŸ”½

  • Lesson plans
  • Anchor charts
  • Printables
  • Centers
  • Small Group Intervention
  • Reading Passages
  • Decodables
  • Sound Walls
  • A FULL 2nd Grade Math Curriculum
  • Seasonal Activities
  • Classroom Transformations
  • Decor
  • ...and SO much more!


Membership includes EVERYTHING Lucky Little Learners has ever made. After 10+ years... that's a LOT of resources.

That means you'll have activities and resources for EVERY 1st & 2nd grade standard plus a growing library of Kinder & 3rd grade.


For less than the cost of your morning coffee run, you get access to EVERYTHING you need for your students.

Take Back Your Time

Differentiation is a snap. Search, filter, or browse by grade level, activity type and subject.

Kid Tested &

Admin Approved

Every resource is designed by experienced teachers, standards-aligned and tested.


Covers all reading levels

  • Includes phonemic awareness and phonics (full curriculum and individual resources)
  • Handwriting and reading comprehension materials
  • Provides comprehensive, science of reading aligned instruction.

 Value: $2,000    INCLUDED!


Full curriculum and supplementary materials

  • Teaching slides and lesson plans
  • Warm-ups and number talks
  • Games, worksheets, and assessments
  • Anchor charts, songs, and centers
  • Puzzles and color by numbers activities

Value: $2,000    INCLUDED!

Social Studies & Science

Stand-alone and integrated math/literacy activities

  • Covers goods and services, landforms, and inclusive holidays
  • Includes life cycles, weather, recycling, and animal habitats topics

Value: $1,000    INCLUDED!

Social Emotional Learning

Develop student self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills

  • Complete social emotional curriculum with supplemental activities
  • Includes lesson plans and activities for classroom SEL implementation

Value: $750    INCLUDED!

Classroom Set Up

More than just academic activities for teachers

  • Customizable classroom materials, decor, and seasonal items
  • Tons of posters, lesson planning templates, and I Can statements
  • Labels, bulletin boards, and other classroom essentials

Value: $750    INCLUDED!


β™¦οΈŽ Product request hotline
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β™¦οΈŽ VIP customer support
β™¦οΈŽ Advanced search and filters
β™¦οΈŽ Weekly exclusive resources
β™¦οΈŽ Early access to new products
β™¦οΈŽ Unlimited downloads
β™¦οΈŽ Custom bundling tool

β™¦οΈŽ Exclusive Swag Shop drops!


On my grade-level team, we plan as a team together every week. This saves us SO much time searching for the perfect skill-based practice activity because everything is in one place! We just type in the skill needed and we have tons of options at our fingertips! It's a dream for differentiating easily too!

- Taylor S., 2nd Grade, 10 years experience

Sometimes when purchasing products on TPT I am not always 100% sure that they will work well for my class. They might work for my students one year and then the next year I may need something a little simpler or more challenging. All Access is perfect because I can use the resources I know and love. I can try out new stuff and search for skills that I am working on.

- Melanie H., 2nd Grade, 14 years teaching experience

Becoming an All Access Member has given me precious time back with my family. It’s so incredibly easy to search and filter for skills that best meet the needs for each of my learners. My students loved using the Spiral Math Review this year. Because it has different levels, but the same format, even my lowest learners gained confidence in themselves and their abilities.

- Kim S., 2nd Grade, 15 years teaching experience





Billed Monthly

  • Instant access to 20,000+ printables & activities
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Includes all past, future, & exclusive resources
  • VIP pass for new releases
  • Access to product request hotline
  • Create your own packets with the bundling tool
  • Editable resource library
  • Digital resources in Google Drive
  • Quick membership customer support
  • On-demand teacher trainings
  • Create your own worksheets tool
  • Download resources by the set
  • Exclusive Swag Shop Drops
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Billed Yearly

  • Instant access to 20,000+ printables & activities
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Includes all past, future, & exclusive resources
  • VIP pass for new releases
  • Access to product request hotline
  • Create your own packets with the bundling tool
  • Editable resource library
  • Digital resources in Google Drive
  • Quick membership customer support
  • On-demand teacher trainings
  • Create your own worksheets tool
  • Download resources by the set
  • Exclusive Swag Shop Drops
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Pricing Varies

Billed Yearly

  • Grade level teams get everything that is included in the year plan tier + a VIP customer service representative that will be available for support.
  • Multiple teacher license discounts are available.
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